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GIS-based predictive models for regional-scale landslide susceptibility assessment and risk mapping along road corridors

This paper is unique from others in that it actually approaches the task as looking at risk management, although the other articles are intending risk management as the intended use, they don’t mention it as much as this piece. This was designed to look at the threat of rockfalls and landslides to road systems as a whole which is a very different look than the other papers. This paper as well as the others also has a heavy emphasis on using landslide inventories to predict landslide susceptibility.

This paper uses GIS to create and combine the data layers into the susceptibility model. Especially in terms of the road based landslide inventory, and creating raster data for all the layers in order for the multi-variate statistical models. Even going beyond the standard susceptibility model, this paper also calculates the predicted intensity of the landslides in each zone. This was done through catagorizing the mechanism of the landslide phenomena that was listed in the landslide inventories. In addition to that intensity they also calculated how likely the roads were to be damaged or destroyed.

The methods presented here has a lot of real potential as all three of these sets were combined in different manners to get an idea of what areas in the road network are at risk of landslides seriously damaging them. Although these processes do require a lot of information and a standardized full landslide inventory that not all areas have.