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Unstable Ground, Modeling Landslide Suseptibility

A consulting group created for an Advanced GIS class, designed around making models to measure landslide suseptibility in the United States and Albania. This site also designed to gather and display resources about landslides.

Our Purpose

Our group focuses on the ever-changing nature of Earth's surface and how we can evaluate and predict landslides to help communities. We create landslide susceptibility models to inform communities about hazards, research impacts of landslides on communities, and unify our knowledge to better integrate civil projects and the envrionment. Read more about our company and mission...


This is our update blog to keep interested parties up to date about the work that we are doing. We try to post weekly, so do keep up with us!


Articles about similar efforts around landslide susceptibility and environmental hazard prediction.


Different ways that landslide susceptibility has been captured and predicted by different people.

Ethical Dilemmas

What Geoethical dilemmas exist when we start mapping the susceptibility of the landscape to landslides? How do people, corperations, and governments act when given this information. How was this information aquired? How do we as a consulting business provide useful live-saving information without injuring or disadvantaging other groups? These are just some questions that are part of the geoethics surrounding landslide susceptibility and mapping in general.


Brief descriptions and walkthroughs on some of the tools and processes that we use in our analysis.

Coding Attempts

Here is the source of code created for this project.


Here are the final maps of the Landslide Susceptibliity project, with the basic susceptiblity and the imact on surrounding environment.